Quang Bao Tu

Quang Bao Tu earned his Bachelor's degree in Advanced Material Sciences from the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi in 2020. During his undergraduate internship, he worked as a research assistant at the Nano and Energy Center in Hanoi, where his responsibilities included characterizing the optical properties of CuAlOx and integrating this oxide into the microfabrication process for microbolometric applications.
He then received a Quantum Scholarship to pursue his Master's studies at the University of Paris-Saclay. In the first year of his Master's program, he completed a short-term internship at the Solid State Physics Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Marcelo J. Rozenberg. There, he conducted simulations for a double-pair electrode configuration applied to Mott memristive devices. In his final year, he interned at the Laboratoire Albert Fert under the guidance of Dr. Nicolas Reyren and Dr. Marie-Blandine Martin. His research focused on the evolution of micromagnetic properties with varying thicknesses in thin-film metallic multilayers, utilizing alternating gradient force magnetometry and electronic magnetotransport. He also developed a simplified fitting model to extract the magnetic anisotropy strengths from the measured samples.
From November 2022, Quang Bao Tu is a pre-doctoral researcher in CIC nanoGUNE's Nanodevices Group. His current research focuses on engineering 2D van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures, both through physical stacking and chemical synthesis, to explore novel transport properties in low-dimensional materials, such as superconductivity, ferroelectricity, and nonlinear transport phenomena.